Sunday, January 16, 2011

jitters about the MRI

{ Brotherly Love}
Jarett will be undergoing his mri thurday morning and even though im a lil nerveous about cause hes so little but then again  i dont like the idea of being put under at all  when I have to be .. The Neurologist is looking for to see if he has any reasons of why Jarett is having trouble with his muscles and why their not tighting up . He has to have physial therapy once a week and bless his heart he loves it and he really likes Kathy his therapist and he responds well to when shes here. Im hoping this Mri will give us a  better understanding on this tortacollis and muscles weakness. Hes 14 mon old and I just want him to be able to have the strength to walk soon.. Hes coming a long way ,,bless his heart..
Im going to be blogging about Jaretts Journey ~ keep in touch to see all the lil milestones and mishaps ... I want to praise the Lord Jesus Christ for helping Jarett and I through this journey .. ..
~ Kris~

1 comment:

  1. Jarret who has been through so very much, will come through this MRI just fine. I keep him in my prayers and know how hard it is to have a child going through therapy. I wish y'all lived here, we could carpool and take both of our baby boys to Theraplay. :)
