Tuesday, March 1, 2011


3-1-11 { 15 mon}
Jaretts physical thrapy is going great , but man he is jabbering up a storm  lol.. Brent mason is such  a big help to that cause them too are like two peas in a pod .. this all usually all happens at the dinner table lol . they crack me up cause sometimes Jarett wont eat and I can act  like I'm giving it to Brent and then he will want it ..lol they laugh and giggle and get really loud ! as of now Jarett can say momma but he chooses to call me ehheheah why I dont know , he calls Brent bubby and Zacc -a sack lol its halirus with Zacc  he will look upstairs cause he knows Zacc ususally stays upstairs in his room , and Brent stays down stairs playing with him. Hes soon to be 16 months old and still isnt walking but by faith and therapy we will see it happen .. hes doing alot better , his torticollis is doing alot better ,he still has his days .. where I think it bothers him and hes just unhappy, I guess if we had a stiff neck that hurt we would be cranky too... I just love the fact that his brothers really look out for him in their own ways , Zacc helps take him to the car or in and out of stores and etc and brent plays and keeps him occupied so when thier at school he really misses them and whines alot till they come home awww brotherly love ... <3
so now ill give you a list of words that Jarett can say , he can say  bubby , zacc, dada , nana, nano, no, stop, sock, tries to say jesus  and raises both hands { brent taught him that} lol ... wow , ohhh ohhh . oooooooohhh like when the water is cold or when hes cold , boo boo, he has a good range or varitey of words that im so proud of ..
Today his Occupational therapist came to do a test on his sensory cause alot of pvl{ peri ventricular leuko malacia } has sensory issues and Jarett isnt a lovey bug like his brothrs are but when they iniate huggs cuddling he pushes them away , he doesnt like you touching his hands , feet or water tempeture like bath or bottle being cold , he likes it warm the min his bath water is cold or chilled he wants out no more playing for him lol... now if I add warm water he will play longer splashes and splashes till I have to get towells on the floor or a mop but its good for him cause I noticed something today that I never noticed or I guess never paid any attention to it but on his right hand he had trouble holding the toy putting in in a slot it looked like his hand was having trouble just like his foot . I told the occ here  to look and she noticed the same thing , its like seeing a hand of a person who had a very mild stroke or cerebal palasy, Not saying at all he has that but from what ive researched on his condiotion its alot like cp... so we will just have to keep an eye on him but Im telling you now that child is so full  of energy and life he doesnt let anything stand in his way .. he crawls and he stands but hes not walking just crusing ... but hey thats a blessing im not complaining!!! praise God ! wow he speaking more words than most kids his age.. He smiles a beautiful smile ,and hams it up for the camera... I just love it ! I think it just runs in the family!!! lol ..Jarett teaches me everyday that life is to be taken as a blessing not as its something im suppose to be given and seeing every lil mile stone he makes I give God All THE PRAISE!!  t\He loves music will hop beee bop his head and now tries to sing !!! wow !!!  
I really have to watch Jarett at times cause he knows his brothers look  out for him and he bullies poor brent  bless his heart I  have to tell him no you dont do that to him and brent with his loving heart says mom its ok Baby Jarett doesnt know better yet till one afternoon jarett cococked him with a metal bar I dont know where it came from or what it went too, brent was lying there watching tv and he decided to whack brent on the head with it , brent started crying and his head was bleeeding then he was like you need to spank him mom lol... I corrected Jarett by smacking his hand saying no look you hurt brother but when he seen brent crying i think that was punishment enough really cause he didnt mean to hurt him he was just trying to play and get his attention . they hugged a lil and brent gave him a kiss which is so funny cause Jarett throws his mouth wide open lol its halirus to watch babies learning how to kiss their familys its like ok we open our mouths as wide as we can and see what happens ... lol . well in a about a few days he will he 16 months old and then we will talk to his neurologist about what we need to do about him not walking if we should give thearpy more time or put him in braces or what would be the best for Jarett.... will keep ya posted on my lil hunnybear.. keep him in ur prayers and God bless!!!!
ohh his fave tv shows :
Bubble Guppies, chuggington, Jungle Junction and Imaigination Movers and Fresh beat band , anything thats sings dances he absolutely loves ~ his fave food is a supreme pizza from papa johns lol .. weve hd several pizzas from local places but he has chosen them lol. He likes to have his shoes and socks on and be dressed lol... his fave toy is anything that makes raquet !!!!! ohhhhhhh forgot to mention his first encounter with a cat!! that as the most funniest thing for the cat and for Jarett.
they chased one another aroud the room she the cat {Dustie} is 7 mon old and bless her heart and never been around a baby and was like what in the world is this slobbering thing on two legs that chases me have you brought in here but her curosity couldnt stand it after she figured out it wasnt going to eat her lol i think she had fun with him cause he was totally facinated by her cause she would run and hide and smell all off his things even the bags we brought in .. ya know i went back the following weekend without him and the stuff i had in the bag had his scent on it and th whole entire time i was there she was inside that bag like looking for him it was the most adorable thing ....
meet 7mon old Dustie
Lynne thought this was cute she cut it out of the newspaper for Jarett and Dustie
looking for Jarett in the bag!lol { thinking I know hes in there I can smell him!!!! lol
That was the sweetest thing Dustie and Jarett and she had him crawling all over the place so it was good exercise for both of them lol!!! I guess Ill have to take him back  over for a playdate..lol